Container Gardening in the Summer

Container gardens have become more and more popular as of late, and are a great way to spruce up any landscape! They add color and variety to patios, decks, and balconies and do a wonderful job of showcasing personal taste. These containers can be used year-round, however, keeping these healthy during the summer can be a challenge for some. With rising temps and dryer days, it is important to take some extra care to keep your container gardens looking fresh and healthy! Here are some tips on summer-proofing your containers:

Water once a day, and water slowly. By watering your containers slowly, this will allow the soil to absorb as much water as possible and retain it for longer amounts of time. Costa Farms also suggests putting a layer of mulch on top of your soil to reduce moisture loss through evaporation.

Fertilization is another good way to keep your container plants growing, giving them an extra boost to get through the summer season!

Read more about container gardens here:

Costa Farms

Beginners Guide

Pollinator Friendly Planting

Interested in creating an environmentally friendly landscape while adding fragrance and color to your yard at the same time? "Bee" a friend to the Earth and consider planting some pollinator-friendly blooms this year around your home! Pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds play an important role in our environment and could use a helping hand when it comes to finding blooms to pollinate.

Diversifying bloom times is the best way to attract pollinators year-round. This means there is always something blooming in your landscape, keeping pollinators coming back for more season after season. Secondly, planting things in groups allows bees and butterflies to find your flowers easily. This method of planting design also allows for concentrated color and fragrance in your yard!

This article from discusses more ways to attract pollinators to your yard.

The US Forest Service website is another excellent resource for learning about pollinator planting and other forest-friendly ideas.